Lincoln Center- Slow Dancing

Scope: Media System Design & Integration
Three Byte Intermedia was asked by Scharff Weisberg to configure and program the video playback platform for the Slow Dancing exhibition at Lincoln Center. Each piece of media needed to be color-corrected using 3D lookup tables which could be calibrated onsite. This required a high-end graphics system to be configured specifically for this system.
The media pieces are hyper slow motion captures (1000 frames per second) in HD resolution of 40 ten minute pieces of a variety of dancers & styles; from Ballet to Flamenco.
The presentation platform, a Macintosh-based Iridas Framecycler system was chose for its 10-bit uncompressed playback capability, as well as its real-time shot-by-shot GPU-based color correction capability.
The Iridas system included 4 playback heads (3 active + 1 hot backup) with a combined 36 terabytes of online storage spread across 84 disks in 6 external fiber channel arrays. The system plays at 30 frames per second and sustains 240 MB/sec of throughput per display head.
The system designed by Scharff Weisberg includes Barco FLM HD18 18,000 ANSI Lumen projectors, which are connected at 1920x1080 DVI to the playback heads using Fiber Optic DVI extenders.
Hardware Challenges
Software Challenges
Tying it together
Software Stack
- Playback Engine (Iridas FrameCycler) in 10 bit uncompressed format w/ GPU based realtime color correction
Hardware Stack
- 6 Fiber Channel xServe RAID (in an unusual RAID-50 configuration, of 3 striped RAID-5 subsystems of Fiber Channel)
- 6 18k Barco DLP projects
Project Team
- Olaaf