The importance of unit testing to the software development process is by now well established. Advantages include: a) demonstrating the functionality of code units, b) highlighting any unwanted side-effects caused by new changes, c) a B. F. Skinner-esque positive feedback system reflecting the progress and success of one’s development work. Most importantly perhaps, developing code that fails to perform as desired gives visibility into each successive point of failure and serves to motivate the development process. In general, you can’t fix the bugs that you can’t see and the importance of baking QA into the development workflow cannot be overstated. Unit testing, regression testing and continuous integration are an essential part of the software development process at Three Byte.
The Mathenaeum exhibit, built for the Museum of Mathematics that opened this past December, is a highly optimized, multi-threaded piece of 3D graphics software written in C++ with OpenGL and the Cinder framework. The algorithms employed for manipulating complex objects across a wide range of geometric manipulations and across multiple threads were challenging, but for me the most challenging and edifying part of this project was the problem of hardware integration and effective testing. More specifically, working on the Mathenaeum taught me about the difficulties associated with and the creativity required for effective testing.
Unlike some software deadlines, MoMath was going to open to the general public on December 15 whether we were ready for it or not. At Three Byte we were balancing the pressure of getting our product ready to deliver and the knowledge that long nights and stressful bouts of overtime can introduce more bugs than they fix. Just before opening day functionality on the Mathenaeum was complete. And we delivered…and the museum opened…and things looked fine…but every so often it would freeze. The freezes were infrequent and most visitors had a successful experience and show control software that we wrote made it trivial for the MoMath floor staff to restart a frozen exhibit from a smart-phone, but even an infrequent crash means a frustrated user and a failed exhibit experience which was devastating to me.
The importance of unit testing to the software development process is by now well established. Advantages include: a) demonstrating the functionality of code units, b) highlighting any unwanted side-effects caused by new changes, c) a B. F. Skinner-esque positive feedback system reflecting the progress and success of one’s development work. Most importantly perhaps, developing code that fails to perform as desired gives visibility into each successive point of failure and serves to motivate the development process. In general, you can’t fix the bugs that you can’t see and the importance of baking QA into the development workflow cannot be overstated. Unit testing, regression testing and continuous integration are an essential part of the software development process at Three Byte.
The Mathenaeum exhibit, built for the Museum of Mathematics that opened this past December, is a highly optimized, multi-threaded piece of 3D graphics software written in C++ with OpenGL and the Cinder framework. The algorithms employed for manipulating complex objects across a wide range of geometric manipulations and across multiple threads were challenging, but for me the most challenging and edifying part of this project was the problem of hardware integration and effective testing. More specifically, working on the Mathenaeum taught me about the difficulties associated with and the creativity required for effective testing.
Unlike some software deadlines, MoMath was going to open to the general public on December 15 whether we were ready for it or not. At Three Byte we were balancing the pressure of getting our product ready to deliver and the knowledge that long nights and stressful bouts of overtime can introduce more bugs than they fix. Just before opening day functionality on the Mathenaeum was complete. And we delivered…and the museum opened…and things looked fine…but every so often it would freeze. The freezes were infrequent and most visitors had a successful experience and show control software that we wrote made it trivial for the MoMath floor staff to restart a frozen exhibit from a smart-phone, but even an infrequent crash means a frustrated user and a failed exhibit experience which was devastating to me.
The importance of unit testing to the software development process is by now well established. Advantages include: a) demonstrating the functionality of code units, b) highlighting any unwanted side-effects caused by new changes, c) a B. F. Skinner-esque positive feedback system reflecting the progress and success of one’s development work. Most importantly perhaps, developing code that fails to perform as desired gives visibility into each successive point of failure and serves to motivate the development process. In general, you can’t fix the bugs that you can’t see and the importance of baking QA into the development workflow cannot be overstated. Unit testing, regression testing and continuous integration are an essential part of the software development process at Three Byte.
The Mathenaeum exhibit, built for the Museum of Mathematics that opened this past December, is a highly optimized, multi-threaded piece of 3D graphics software written in C++ with OpenGL and the Cinder framework. The algorithms employed for manipulating complex objects across a wide range of geometric manipulations and across multiple threads were challenging, but for me the most challenging and edifying part of this project was the problem of hardware integration and effective testing. More specifically, working on the Mathenaeum taught me about the difficulties associated with and the creativity required for effective testing.
Unlike some software deadlines, MoMath was going to open to the general public on December 15 whether we were ready for it or not. At Three Byte we were balancing the pressure of getting our product ready to deliver and the knowledge that long nights and stressful bouts of overtime can introduce more bugs than they fix. Just before opening day functionality on the Mathenaeum was complete. And we delivered…and the museum opened…and things looked fine…but every so often it would freeze. The freezes were infrequent and most visitors had a successful experience and show control software that we wrote made it trivial for the MoMath floor staff to restart a frozen exhibit from a smart-phone, but even an infrequent crash means a frustrated user and a failed exhibit experience which was devastating to me.
My observations at the museum inspired the construction of a new module called fakePoll() which would be responsible for injecting method calls into the two input polling threads as fast as my 3.20 GHz Inter Xeon processor will allow. This overload of redundant calls, (similar perhaps to a team of second graders) works both input threads simultaneously, while causing all types of operations (and combinations thereof) and navigating the Mathenaeum state machine graph at great speeds. In short, fakePoll() made it possible to easily test every corner of Matheaneaum functionality and all the locks and mutexes and race conditions that could be achieved. Unsurprisingly, I was now able to crash the Mathenaeum in a fraction of a second – a veritable triumph!
Given a failing test I had new visibility into the points of failure and I started uncovering threading problem after threading problem. Numerous deadlocks, inconsistent states, rendering routines that weren’t thread safe, and more. With every fix, I was able to prolong the load test – first to two fractions of a second, then to a few seconds, then to a minute then a few minutes. Seeing all the threading mistakes I had missed was a little disheartening but an important learning experience. Injecting other operations into other threads such as an idle timeout to the attract screen and various visitor identification conditions exposed further bugs.
My observations at the museum inspired the construction of a new module called fakePoll() which would be responsible for injecting method calls into the two input polling threads as fast as my 3.20 GHz Inter Xeon processor will allow. This overload of redundant calls, (similar perhaps to a team of second graders) works both input threads simultaneously, while causing all types of operations (and combinations thereof) and navigating the Mathenaeum state machine graph at great speeds. In short, fakePoll() made it possible to easily test every corner of Matheaneaum functionality and all the locks and mutexes and race conditions that could be achieved. Unsurprisingly, I was now able to crash the Mathenaeum in a fraction of a second – a veritable triumph!
Given a failing test I had new visibility into the points of failure and I started uncovering threading problem after threading problem. Numerous deadlocks, inconsistent states, rendering routines that weren’t thread safe, and more. With every fix, I was able to prolong the load test – first to two fractions of a second, then to a few seconds, then to a minute then a few minutes. Seeing all the threading mistakes I had missed was a little disheartening but an important learning experience. Injecting other operations into other threads such as an idle timeout to the attract screen and various visitor identification conditions exposed further bugs.
Now my load test wasn’t failing and I was able to watch colors and shapes spinning and morphing on screen at incredible speeds for a full hour. I triumphantly pushed my changes to the exhibit on site and announced to the office: “the Mathenaeum software is now perfect.” Of course it wasn’t. After about five hours of load testing the Mathenaeum still crashes and I have my eye out for the cause, but I don’t think this bug will reproduce on site anytime soon so it’s low priority.
Some Mathenaeum creations: